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Low Level Laser Therapy


Another word for Low Level Laser Therapy is Photobiomodulation. If we break down the word,  'photo' refers to light, the word 'bio' means life, and the word 'modulation' refers to change. Photobiomodulation is therefore the therapy of light being used to change our physiology. In a more specific way, Photobiomodulation or PBM describes the use of low levels of near-infrared light to regenerate and optimize cellular function.


PBM has been applied to treat concussion & traumatic brain injury (TBI), anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms, to reduce brain fog and enhance mental clarity, reduce inflammation, promote collagen production, and more! Recent research has also demonstrated that PBM delivered to the abdomen can alter the gut microbiome in a potentially beneficial way by modulating circadian rhythms. The effect has shown to be beneficial in treating diseases related to metabolism, cardiovascular disorders, IBS, autoimmunity, and even brain disorders.


In my practice I have seen excellent results for resolution of TMJ pain, migraine headaches, neck pain, anxiety, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, shin splints and digestive problems.


Inquire if Low Level Laser Therapy might be right for you.

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