Brain Mapping

A brain map is a 21 channel Electroencephalogram that assesses your unique brain wave patterns. An EEG cap is placed on your head and the electrical activity of your brain is recorded. A 12 page report is then generated describing the strengths and challenges of your brain. This 2 hour appointment includes recording the EEG in the first hour and then going over the report together the second hour. Note: This is not a diagnostic report but an informational one.
An EEG records data from 21 standard EEG sites on the head. This is done during eyes-closed, eyes-open and task conditions. The result is a picture of how brain activation changes from resting to awareness to active processing states. Artifacts such as eye blinks or muscle movement, are removed and the brain map will present the data in terms of the main measures of brain activity: frequency, amplitude, stability and connectivity.

The assessment will include an analyze page, frequency distribution map, amplitudes page, histograms, synchrony page and 2 page written summary describing the findings and behaviours associated with these brain wave patterns. An individualized training plan is also created suggesting training protocols to train the brain into healthier patterns.
This is a 2 hour appointment. The first hour is spent doing the brain assessment. Sensors are placed at 21 placements on the head and the electrical activity is read in 1 minute intervals. The information gathered is then analyzed and the 12 page report is then generated. The second hour is spent going over the report together and answer any questions that may arise.
An EEG assessment is used to help empower clients with information regarding their brain physiology, and to assist the therapist to better understand each client's presenting symptomology. The result informs which Neurotherapy training system may be best suited to your needs, and allows for the development of a truly customized treatment plan.